Friday, July 17, 2009

Personal Space and Parking Tickets 3/19/2008

Personal space. We all have one; the invisible force field that surrounds us that separates the comfortable/uncomfortable proximity of another individual. Obviously, the area of one’s personal space ebbs and flows with that of circumstance and individual(s) – I personally like to keep people an arms length away. I don’t know about you, but when someone trespasses into my space, my first reaction is to take a step back. Usually this will do the trick, however...
There are those people who will indeed test the limits. You know, when you step back and then they take a step toward you. The next thing you know you’re engaged in a strange dance that reminds you of a mating ritual you watched long ago on Animal Kingdom. This happened to me last week at the Clinique counter of the local Macy’s Department Store. The woman who was at the counter proceeded to enact the dance of personal space; which then sparked the flight or fight response in my brain.

My first reaction was to fight, but after dancing with this woman around the entirety of the cosmetic island and the temperature in my body rising with clamminess in my hands, I realized it was time to flee. Sorry lady, no commission, I will not buy your overpriced fare.
Of course in hindsight, I wish I would’ve said something to her.
For example:
"You’re in my personal space."
"I’m feeling uncomfortable with your close proximity."
"Get the $^@& outta my mug lady! Step back before I cram this lipstick down your throat!"
In a numerous number of instances I long to voice something along the lines of option three. I should have, I’ll never see her again, there’s always the Clinique counter at the Boston Store…

Unwarranted parking tickets. Ludicrous. The University has the biggest dirty-crock-of-shit policy on appealing a citation.

The setup: Drive to campus, pay for a parking permit, park, and stick the permit in the rear window as stated on the permit itself.

Of course, what ends up happening? The permit falls out of the back window. Why? Two reasons. One; the adhesive is has less sticking power than that of a post-it note in high humidity and two; I drive a hatchback. Anyone with an IQ of a second grader could deduce that the one/two combination is not going to boast a high success rate.

I’m sure that by now you have come to the conclusion that yes, a parking ticket was issued. Wouldn’t you think that the rational way to resolve this issue would be to go to the parking office, explain the situation, and have the citation removed from the system right then and there????? After all, the permit was paid for, it just happened to fall out of the window. No harm, no foul.

WRONG. The policy states that "A cash bond (in the amount of the citation) or payment must be submitted with the Citation Appeal. Appeals will not be accepted without payment." I had to pay the $30 and now I have to wait for four weeks to get it back. This makes no sense to me.
Enough of the negative; on the positive side I am looking forward to my one hour massage tomorrow. I’m cashing in on a two for one deal by being in the right place at the right time. Thanks LG.

The weather is FINALLY turning around – being in the 40’s and all I’m about ready to bust out the Bermudas and the golf clubs.

Closing thoughts… Damn, still another hour until 5…Did I really swill three Diet Cokes this afternoon??? Has it really been five years???

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